Stream operation mode. These parameters can be logically ORed.
ios::open_mode enum open_mode { app, // Append data--always write at end of file. ate, // Seek to end of file upon original open. in, // Open for input (default for ifstreams). out, // Open for output (default for ofstreams). binary, // Open file in binary mode. trunc, // Discard contents if file exists (default if out // is specified and neither ate nor app is specified). nocreate, // If file does not exist, open fails. noreplace, // If file exists, open for output fails unless ate or app is set. }; |
#include < fstream.h > #include < iostream.h > fstream output_file; char filename[128]; char nl; int main() { cout << "Enter a filename to open for output \n"; cin >> filename; cin.get(nl);, ios::out); output_file << "This will be line one of the output file" << "\n"; output_file << "This will be line two of the output file" << "\n"; output_file.close(); }
#include < fstream.h > #include < iostream.h > fstream input_file; char filename[128]; char lineone[256]; char linetwo[256]; char nl; int main() { cout << "Enter a filename to open for input \n"; cin >> filename; cin.get(nl);, ios::in); input_file >> lineone; input_file.get(nl); input_file >> linetwo; input_file.get(nl); input_file.close(); cout << lineone << "\n"; cout << linetwo << "\n"; }