<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> Update Student Directory Information

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Please Note: if you receive any error messages when attempting to post your survey responses, please send an email message to reithel@bus.olemiss.edu with the message.
<% fname=Replace(Request.Form("UNAME"),"'","''") femail=Replace(Request.Form("UEMAIL"),"'","''") UpdateSQL = "UPDATE students" _ & " SET email ='" & femail & "'" _ & " WHERE name='" & fname & "';" Set SurveyDB=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") SurveyDB.Open sDSN, optimistic SurveyDB.Execute(UpdateSQL) SurveyDB.Close SurveyDB=Null %>


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Designed By

 Brian J. Reithel, Ph.D.