<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> Student Information <% NameToLookup = Request.Form("INQUIRYNAME") InqSQL = "SELECT * FROM Students;" SET RS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' ' Open the recordset object by passing it the following values: ' 1. The SQL Select statement ' 2. The connection string for the database file ' 3. The cursor type (3=adOpenStatic) ' 4. The locking type (for record locking) (3=adLockOptimistic) ' RS.open InqSQL, sDSN, 3, 3 %> <% rs.movelast If NOT RS.EOF then %> <% end if %>
Student NameEmail Address
<% =RS("Name") %>   "><% =RS("Email") %> 
<% rs.close rs=null %>

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