<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> View/Update Student Directory Information

Student Directory



<% fname=Replace(Request.QueryString("UNAME"),"'","''") Set SurveyDB=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") SurveyDB.Open sDSN, optimistic MyInquirySQL="Select * From Students WHERE StudentName='" & fname & "';" set RS=SurveyDB.Execute(MyInquirySQL) tempEmail="*NotFound*" if not RS.EOF then tempEmail=RS("emailaddress") end if SurveyDB.Close SurveyDB=Null %> <% if tempEmail <> "*NotFound*" then %>
1. Name whose email address you would like to update:
2. What is the new email address?

<% else %>

No matching record in the directory.

<% end if %>


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Designed By

 Brian J. Reithel, Ph.D.