Robert K. Robinson, Ph.D., SPHR
Michael S.
Starnes Professor of Management
Office Address:
of Management
of Business Administration
University of Mississippi
MS 38677
(662) 915-7635
Home Address:
406 Cherokee Drive
Oxford, MS 38655
(662) 236-7816
Doctor of Philosophy,
University of North Texas, May 1988. Personnel Administration and Industrial Relations (Human Resource
Management). Dissertation Chairman: Dr. Elvis C. Stephens
of Business Administration, University of Louisiana at Monroe, December
Concentration in Management.
of Arts, Liberal Arts, University of Louisiana at Monroe,
August 1973.
Academic Experience:
S. Starnes Professor of Management, School of Business Administration, The
University of Mississippi, July 2004 to present.
Professor, School of Business Administration, The
University of Mississippi, July 2002 to present.
Professor, School of Business Administration, The University of Mississippi,
1995 to June 2002.
Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration, The University of Mississippi, July 1990 to June 1995.
Assistant Professor, College of Business Administration, Missouri
State University, June 1988 to May 1990.
Assistant Professor, College of Business, Northwest Missouri State
University, August 1987 to May 1988.
Awards and Honors:
Distinguished Applied Paper Award, Small Business
Institute, February 2003.
Homer L. Saunders Award for Best Practical Paper,
Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, March 2001.
Distinguished Paper, Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business,
March 1995.
Irwin Distinguished Paper,
Southern Business Law Association, Southwest Federation of Administrative
Disciplines, March 1992.
Distinguished Paper, Southwestern Small Business Institute
Federation of Administrative Disciplines, March 1992.
Outstanding Teacher of the Year,
School of Business Administration, The University of
Mississippi, 2005.
Who Among America's Teachers, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2005-2006.
Who in Executives and Professionals, 2005.
Beta Gamma Sigma, national scholastic
business society, 1982.
R. K., Nichols, D.L., and Cousley, S. (accepted for publication). Ricci v. De Stefano: Has the New Haven Fire Fighters Case
Radically Changed Disparate Impact Theory or is there Much Ado about Nothing. Southern Law Journal.
Robinson, R. K., Jackson, W. T., Franklin, G. M. and Clayton R.W.
(2010). The Changing Legal Environment for
Employers: Implications for Small
Businesses. Journal of Business and
Entrepreneurship 22 (1): 91-108.
R. K., Nichols, D.L., Goodman, J. M. and Cousley, S. (2009). The
Employment Non-Discrimination Act: implications for employers. Southern Law Journal 19 (1): 109-120.
R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Novicevic, M. M. (accepted for Publication
09/22/2008). Post-tenure
review and just-cause termination In U.S. public institutions of higher
learning: A legalistic examination. Public Personnel Management.
Abraham, D. R., Gibson, M. C., Novicevic, M. M. and Robinson, R. K.
(2009). Becoming an outstanding
management historian in the United States: Biographical research of Wren’s and Bedeian’s pathways. Journal of Management History.
(1): 9-19.
R. K., Nichols, D.L., and Goodman, J. M. (November/December 2008). The 2007 revisions to the Employer Information Report and their
potential impact on equal employment opportunity and affirmative action
compliance. HR Advisor:
Legal & Practical Guidance. 24-29.
Novicevic, M. M., Ghosh,
K., Clement, D. M., and Robinson, R. K. (2008). The
"missing scroll" of The Functions of the Executive: Barnard on
status systems in organizations. Journal of Management History. 14 (4): 373-401.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., Epermanis,
K. and Stowell, N. F. (2007). Employee
appearance policies and Title VII: New challenges for sex differentiated
standards. Journal of Individual
Employment Rights, 12 (4): 289-304.
Robinson, R. K., Davis, W. D., Franklin, G. M., and Stowell,
N. F. (2007). The Demise of the 'Slap in the Face' Test: A
Profound Change in Assessing Pretext or Merely a Matter of Semantics? Journal of Individual Employment Rights,
12 (3): 239-247.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Epermanis,
K. (2007). The
Supreme Court rulings in Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger: The Brave new
world of affirmative action in the 21st century. Public
Personnel Management, 36(1): 33-49.
A.M., Franklin G.M., Robinson, R.K., Danese S.P., and
Carroll, D.J. (2007). Organizational Structures for New ventures:
Matters of Liability and Taxation. Troy University Business and Economic Review
31(2): 2-7
Goodman, J. M., Robinson, R. K., and Nichols, D.L. (2006). The
Implications of Arbaugh v. Y & H Corporation: Potential
Expansion of Title VII Obligations to Enterprises with Fewer than Fifteen
Employees. Southern Law Journal, 16 (1): 51-60.
Robinson, R. K., Epermanis, K., and Dwight D.
Frink (2005). Narrowing
the legal definition of “homosexual:” Establishing sexual desire as a motive
for same-sex sexual harassment. Journal of Individual Employment Rights,
12 (1): 83-95.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., Tinney, C.,
Crow, S., and Hartman, S. (2005). Sexual
harassment in the workplace: Guidelines for educating healthcare managers. Journal of Health and Human Services
Administration, 27 (4): 501-530.
Franklin, G. M., Robinson, R. K.,
and Ballenger, J. (2005).
The Americans with Disabilities Act’s Public Accommodations Provisions:
Implications for Small Businesses. Journal
of Business and Entrepreneurship 17 (1): 46-58.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Davis, W. D. (2004). The slap in the face standard: Placing limits
on court evaluations of employee qualifications. Journal
of Individual Employment Rights 11 (2):141-150.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Davis, W. D. (2004). Supreme Court to review sexual harassment
proofs: Implications for employers. Business
Horizons 47 (4): 3-5.
Davis, W. D., Carson, C. M., and Robinson, R. K. (2004). Employment decisions in self-directed work
teams: A regulatory compliance perspective. Employee Responsibilities and
Rights Journal 16 (4): 179-194.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Nunley,
A. M. (2003). Growing
pains: An employment compliance primer for small business. Journal of Small
Business Strategy 14 (1): 1-19.
Goodman, J. M., Mero, N. P., and Robinson, R. K. (2003). Hoffman
Plastic Compounds v. NLRB: Backpay remedies and
undocumented workers. Journal of
Business and Entrepreneurship 15 (2): 34‑47.
J. A., Mero, N. P., and Robinson, R. K. (2003).Employer penalties for failure
to provide individual employee notification under the FMLA: AClarifications@
following Ragsdale v. Worldwide Inc. Employee Responsibilities and
Rights Journal 15 (1): 11- 21.
Frink, D. D., Robinson, R. K., Reithel, B. J.,
Arthur. M. M., Ammeter, A. P., Ferris, G. R., Kaplan, D.
M., and Morrisette, H. S. (2003). Gender demography and organization
A two-study investigation with convergence. Group and Organization Management 28
(1): 127-147.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Paolillo, J. G. P. (2003). Direct threat defense and the ADA: The repercussions of Chevron v. Echazabal. Business Horizons 46 (2): 2-4.
Robinson, R. K. and Franklin, G. M. (2002). Walking a tight rope: Employment rights of foreign nationals in the
workplace. Business and Society Review 107 (4): 489-500.
Robinson, R. K.,
Mero, N. P., Nichols,
D. L. (2001). More
than Just Semantics: Court Rulings Clarify Requirements for Effective
Anti-Harassment Policies. Human Resource Planning, 24 (4):
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., Reithel, B. J.
(2001). When is sexual harassment not
actionable sexual harassment: A review
of Holman v. State of Indiana and Indiana DOT.
Journal of Business and Public Affairs, 28 (2): 8-11.
Robinson, R. K., Frink, D. D., Reithel, B. J., and
Franklin, G. M. (2001). Workplace Diversity: Is It A Justification for
Proportional Representation in the Workplace?
Journal of Business and
Entrepreneurship, 13 (1): 97-109.
Robinson, R. K., Frink, D. D., Reithel, B. J., and Franklin, G. M.
(1998). Vicarious liability for hostile environment
sexual harassment: Examining the implications of the Ellerth
and Faragher decisions. Labor Law Journal,
49 (8): 1232-1240.
Robinson, R. K., Paolillo, J. G. P., and Reithel, B. J. (1998).
Preferential treatment of protected classes in scholarship and admission
decisions: Raising the bar for
establishing compelling government interests.
Public Personnel Management, 27 (3): 349-360.
Robinson, R. K., Seydel,
J. and Douglas, C. (1998).
Affirmative action: The facts,
the myths, the future. Employee
Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 11 (2): 99-116.
Terpstra, D. E., Gillenwater, E. and Robinson, R. K.
(1998). Employee
participation programs and the National Labor Relations Act: Quo vadis? Business Forum, 23 (1, 2): 28-30.
Robinson, R. K., Jackson, W. T., Franklin, G. M.,
and Hensley, D. (1998). Sexual
Harassment in the United States:
Implications for small business.
Journal of Small Business Management, 36 (2): 1-12.
Robinson, R. K., Reithel, B. J., and Franklin, G. M. (1998). Same sex
sexual harassment: The Implications of Oncale v.
Sundowner Offshore Services. Labor
Law Journal 49 (4): 941-948.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L., and Allen, B. M.
Affirmative action in the public sector:
The increasing burden of strict scrutiny. Labor Law Journal, 49 (1): 801-809.
Nichols, D. L., Robinson, R. K., and Tunnell, L. (1997). Certification criteria
form accountants: Are newly certified public accountants as prepared as other
professions? Journal of Contemporary
Business Issues, 5 (1):
Stocks, M. H., Reithel, B. J., Singleton, T. and Robinson, R. K.
(1997). An empirical
investigation of IS audits and software piracy.
IS Audit & Control Journal, 6: 32-36.
R. L., Canty, A. L. and Robinson, R. K. (1996-97). Sexual harassment and Carr v. Allison Gas
Turbine: Increasing the ambiguity in unwelcomness
determinations. Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 5 (4): 303-310.
Nichols, D. L. Robinson, R. K., Reithel, B. J. and Franklin, G. M.
(1997). An exploratory study of sexual harassment behavior
in accounting firms: Do male and female CPAs interpret sexual harassment
differently? Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 8: 249-264.
R. K., Franklin, G. M. and Kirk, D. J. (1996-97). Federal preference set-asides
after Adarand: The end of an era? Journal
of Individual Employment Rights, 5 (4):
D. J., Franklin, G. M., Robinson, R. K. (1997).
Pros and cons of the federal 8-A program: Implications for small business. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship,
9 (1): 147-153.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., Reithel, B. J., and Fink, R. L.
(1997). An
analysis of the legal protections of tenure in higher education: The myth of lifetime employment. Southern Law Journal, 7 (1): 37-46.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Reithel, B. J. (1996).
Affirmative Action: Mend or end it? Southern Law Journal, 6 (1): 15-23.
Reithel, B. J., Nichols, D. L. and Robinson, R. K. (Spring 1996). An experimental
investigation of the effects of size, format, and errors on spreadsheet
reliability perception. The
Journal of Computer Information Systems, 36 (3): 54-64.
Fink, R. L., Robinson, R. K. and Wyld, D. C.
(1996). English-only work rules: Balancing fair
employment considerations in an increasingly multicultural and multilingual
healthcare workforce. Hospital and Health Services Administration, 41
(4): 473-483.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Canty, A, L. (1996). Public disclosure of teaching evaluations:
privacy and liability considerations, Journal of Education for Business,
71 (2): 284-287.
Fink, R. L., Canty, A, L. and Robinson, R. K.
(1996-97). McKennon v. Nashville Banner
Publishing Co.: The use of after-acquired evidence in ADEA and Title VII
cases. Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 5 (1): 11-1
Kirk, D. J., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (1996). The
impact of affirmative action set-asides on small business: The Adarand decision. Journal of Developmental
Entrepreneurship, 1 (1): 75-86.
A. A., Canty, A. L. and Robinson, R. K. (June 1996). Extraterritorial
application of U.S. equal employment laws:
Implications for multinational employers. International Journal of
Management, 1 (2): 212-219.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Allen, B. M. (Summer 1996). The influence of organizational constituent groups on rater
attitudes toward performance appraisal compliance. Public Personnel
Management, 25 (2): 141-150.
Fink, R. L., Robinson, R. K., and Nichols, D. L. (January-February
1996). Paid union organizers as protected "employers": NLRB V. Town and Country Electric. Industrial Management, 38 (1): 24-28.
Robinson, R. K., Reithel, B. J. and Franklin, G. M. (1995). Sex-bias in interpreting actionable sexual
harassment: Survey results and implications for sexual harassment litigation. Southern
Law Journal, 5 (1): 1-12.
R. K., Fink, R. L. and Nichols D. L. (1995-96). Cook v. State of Rhode
Island: Expanding the application of
`perceived disability' under U.S. disability laws, Journal of Individual
Employment Rights, 4 (2): 123-130.
R. K., Reithel, B. J. and Franklin, G. M. (1995-96). An exploratory study of the reasonable woman
standard: Gender-bias in actionable sexual harassment, Journal of Individual
Employment Rights, 4 (1): 1-14.
R. K., Fink, R. L. and Allen, B. M. (November 1995). Adarand
Constructors v. Pena: new standards governing the permissibility of federal
contract set-asides and affirmative action. Labor Law Journal, 46 (11):
R. K., Canty, A. L. and Mohamed, A. (1995-1996). Obstacles to the
extraterritorial application of Title VII:
The Civil Rights Act of 1991 reconsidered, Journal of Individual
Employment Rights, 1995-96, 4 (4): 277-285.
Nichols, D. L., Robinson, R. K., and Reithel, B. J. (Spring 1995).
Public accounting firm's limited liability in mixed motive promotion decisions:
Is there less than meets the eye. Journal of Contemporary Business Issues,
3 (1) 17-21.
R. K., Seydel, J. and Sloan, H. J. (March 1995).
Reverse discrimination employment litigation: Defining the limits of
preferential treatment. Labor Law
Journal, 46 (3): 131-141.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Lane, P. L. (1994). Developing an expert system as a sexual harassment investigative tool. Human Resource Planning, 17 (3):
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Fink, L. A. (Winter 1994).
Employee participation programs in the health care industry: Are they unlawful under recent labor rulings?
Hospital and Health Services
Administration, 40 (1): 124-136.
R. K., Fink, R. L. and Allen, B. M. (September 1994). Resolving the retroactive
application of the Civil Rights Act of 1991: Landgraf
v. USI Film Products. Labor Law Journal, 45 (9): 580-585.
Robinson, R. K., Nichols, D. L. and Reithel, B. J. (1994). The
Civil Rights Act of 1991: Increasing
employer liability for mixed motive and sex discrimination in partner selection
in accounting firms, Southern Law Journal, 3 (1): 96-107.
R. K., Morrisette, H. S., and J. G. P. Paolillo
(1994-95). The unresolved dilemma: The specter of the retroactive application
of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. The Journal of Individual Employment Rights,
3 (2): 91-100.
Weinzimmer, L.
G. Robinson, R. K., and Fink, R. L. (Spring 1994).
Small business strategies: An integration of technological discontinuity and
industry growth potential. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 5 (1):
Robinson, R. K. and Reithel, B. J. (Winter 1994).
Policy v. practice: Software piracy enforcement
activities of public and private universities. Public Administration
Quarterly, 17 (4): 485-498.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Canty, A. L. (March/April 1994). Dupont v. Chemical Workers Association: Further limits on employee participation
programs. Industrial Management,
36 (2): 3-5.
R. K., Fink, R. L. and Allen, B. M. (February 1994). Unresolved issues in
hostile environment claims of sexual harassment. Labor Law Journal, 45 (3): 110-114.
R. K. Franklin, G. M. and Terpstra, D. E. (January
1994). Diversity in the 1990s: avoid
conflict with EEO laws. HR Focus,
71 (1): 9.
Terpstra, D. E., Rozell, E. J.
and Robinson, R. K. (July 1993). The
influence of personality and demographic variables on ethical decisions related
to insider trading. Journal of Psychology, 127 (4): 375-389.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M. and Fink, R. L. (Summer 1993). Sexual harassment: Issues and answers. Hospital and Health Services Administration, 38
(2): 167-180.
R. K., Fink, R. L., Allen, B. M. and Axley, S. R.
(Fall 1993). Desegregation in higher
education: An analysis of the Ayers decision and its probable impact on
public colleges and universities. Southern Law Journal, 3 (1): 62-78.
R. K., Gillenwater, E. L. and Terpstra,
D. E. (1993-94). Electromation
v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters:
Analytic framework for NLRB interpretation of nonunion employee
participation programs," Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 2
(4): 199-208.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Gillenwater,
E. L. (May/June 1993). The
employee involvement dilemma: Do
employee participation programs violate U.S. labor laws? Industrial Management, 35 (3): 3-5.
Feltes, P.,
Robinson, R. K. and Fink, R. L. (March/April 1993). American female expatriates and the Civil
Rights Act of 1991: Balancing legal and
business interests. Business
Horizons, 36 (2): 82-86.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M. and Allen, B. M. (Spring 1993). Sexual harassment in the workplace: A review of the legal rights and
responsibilities of all parties. Public Personnel Management, 22
(1): 123-135.
R. K. and Franklin, G. M. (1993-94).
Impermissible collateral attack doctrine and court-approved affirmative
action: New perspectives after Wilks and the
Civil Rights Act of 1991. Journal of
Individual Employment Rights, 2 (1): 7-18.
R. K., Terpstra, D. E. and Malcolm, B. G. (December
1992). International Union v. Johnson
Controls: Resolving the dilemma
between fetal protection policies and equal employment opportunities. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal,
5 (4): 309-321.
R. K., Allen, B. M., Terpstra, D. E. and Nasif, E. G. (November 1992). Equal employment opportunity requirements for
employers: A closer view of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Labor Law Journal, 43 (11): 725-734.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., Terpstra,
D. E. and Allen, B. M. (Fall 1992). Presumed
innocent or presumed guilty: Due process rights for accused sexual harassers. Southern Law Journal, 2 (1): 1-7.
R. K., Rose, W. B. and Fink, R. L. (Third Quarter 1992). Attitude survey on robot
workers. Robotics Today
Quarterly, 5 (3): 5-6.
Robinson, R. K. and Abraham, Y. (Summer 1992). Affirmative action plans in the 1990s: A double-edged sword. Public Personnel Management, 21 (2):
Feltes, P.,
Robinson, R. K. and Fink, R. L. (Summer 1992). Equal employment
responsibilities of multinational corporations. Business Forum, 17 (3): 18-21.
Rose, W. B., Robinson, R. K. and Fink, R. L. (July/August 1992). Technological displacement: Who is responsible for retraining the
displaced? Industrial Management,
34 (4): 12-14.
Terpstra, D. E. and Robinson, R. K. (July 1992). Evaluation may link to profits," Training
and Development, 46: 76-77.
R. K., Allen, B. M. and Fink, R. L. (July 1992). EEO laws for expatriate project managers
expanded. PM Network, 6 (5):
J., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (March 1992). Accommodating the disabled
customer: Perceptions of small
businessmen and managers toward the law. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship,
4 (1): 43-51.
Robinson, R. K. and Franklin, G. M. (January-March 1992). Small companies prepare to cope with ADA act. The SBDC Resource Report, p. 1.
R. L., Robinson, R. K. and Rose, W. B. (January 1992). Reducing employee resistance to
robotics: Survey results of employee
attitudes. International Journal of
Manpower, 13 (1): 59-63.
R. L., Robinson, R. K. and Feltes, P. (January 1992). Supreme court limits
EEO rights for persons assigned to international projects. PM Network, 6 (1): 33-34.
Robinson, R. K. and Fink, R. L. (Fall 1991). Governing excessive absences in the
classroom: Policy considerations and instructor
prerogatives. Issues in Accounting
Education, 6 (2): 300-304.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M. and Allen, B. M. (1991). Employing the disabled:
Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Southern Law Journal, 1 (1): 10-13.
G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (September 1991).
Public accommodations for the disabled:
implications of the Americans with Disabilities Act for small businesses. NBDC Report, (130): 1-3.
R. K., Terpstra, D. E. and Malcolm, B. (July 1991). EEOC v. Arabian American Oil Co.: Are U.S. expatriates entitled to Title VII
protections? Labor Law Journal,
42 (7): 433-437.
G. M., Gresham, A. B. and Robinson, R. K. (July 1991). AIDS in the workplace: The ten step solution
to an employer's worst nightmare.
Troy State University Business and Economic Review, 15: 5-8.
E. C., Vaught, B. C. and Robinson, R. K. (April 1991). Withdrawal of union recognition: Good faith doubt after Curtin Matheson
Scientific. Labor Law Journal, 42
(4): 221-229.
R. K., Franklin, G. M. and Allen, B. M. (June 1990). University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC: The demise of academic freedom privilege in
the peer review process. Labor Law
Journal, 41 (6): 364-369.
R. K., Allen, B. M. and Vaught, B. C. (February 1990). Wards Cove Packing v. Atonio: Implications for adverse impact. Labor Law Journal, 41 (2): 102-107.
Ormsby, J.
G., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (Spring 1990). AIDS in the workplace: implications for human
resource managers. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 55
(2): 23-27.
Robinson, R. K., Kirk, D. J and McKee, W. L. (Fall/Winter 1989). Paradise and Johnson: New
perspectives on the future of affirmative action. Business Insights, 9 (1): 46-49.
G. M., Robinson, R. K. and White, J. H. (September 1989). Organizational AIDS policies: Aiming at a moving target. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal,
2 (3): 191-201.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., Nelson, G. W. and Sharp, W. H.
(Spring 1989). The
application of disparate impact analysis and subjective judgment criteria: The
case of Watson v. Fort Worth Bank and Trust, Midwest Law Review,
8: 135-146.
R. K. and Franklin, G. M. (February 1989).
Watkins V. United States: New
insights on the termination of employees for sexual orientation. Labor Law Journal, 40 (2): 117‑121.
R. K., Allen, B. M. and Franklin, G. M. (January 1989). The Civil Rights Restoration Act of
1987: Broadening the scope of civil rights
legislation. Labor Law Journal,
40 (1): 45‑50.
G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (April 1988).
AIDS: Is there protection under
the Vocational Rehabilitation Act? Personnel
Administrator, 33 (4): 118‑121.
R. K., White, J. H. and Powell, J. D. (November 1987). Contagious disease in the workplace: The case of School Board of Nassau County
v. Arline.
Labor Law Journal, 38 (11): 702‑707.
R. K. and Gilbertson, D. L. (October 1987).
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: Employer liability in the employment of
undocumented workers. Labor Law
Journal, 38 (10): 658‑664.
Robinson, R. K., Kirk, D. J. and Powell, J. D. (Autumn 1987). Sexual harassment: New approaches for a changed
environment. SAM Advanced Management
Journal, 52 (4): 15‑18.
R. K., Kirk, D. J. and Stephens, E. C. (March 1987). Hostile environment: A review of the implications of Meritor
Savings Bank v. Vinson. Labor Law
Journal, 38 (3): 179‑183.
Robinson, R. K. and Nelson, G. W. (Spring 1986). Executory contracts and successor employment doctrine: A review of contemporary judicial and
legislative action. Business Insights,
5 (2): 2‑4.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Wayland, R.
F. (2010). Employment
Regulation in the Workplace: Basic Compliance for Managers. Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe, Publishers (ISBN
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Wayland, R. F. (2002). The Regulatory
Environment of Human Resource Management. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt College Publishers (ISBN: 0-03-025867-7).
Chapters and Articles
Reprinted in Books:
Robinson, R. K. and Franklin, G. M. (2004). Walking a tight rope: Employment rights of foreign nationals in the
workplace. In Fred H. Maidment (ed.). Annual
Editions: Human Resources 04/05, 14th ed. (pp. 197-202). Guilford CN: Duskin
Publishing Group.
Robinson, R. K. and Frink D. D. (2001). A manager=s
primer for sexual harassment in the workplace. In G. R. Ferris and M. R. Buckley (eds). Human Resources Management: Perspectives,
Context, Functions, and Outcomes (pp. 103-119). Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Feltes, P.,
Robinson, R. K., and Fink, R. L. (1995). Equal
employment responsibilities of multinational corporations. In C. Harvey
and M. J. Allard (Eds.), Understanding Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises (pp.
94-100). New York: Harper Collins
College Publishers.
Ormsby, J.
G., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (1992). AIDS in the workplace: implications for human
resource managers. In J. E. Richardson (Ed.), Business Ethics 92/93,
4th ed. (pp.141-147). Guilford CN: Duskin
Publishing Group.
Ormsby, J.
G., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (1991). AIDS in the workplace: implications for human
resource managers. In J. E. Richardson (Ed.), Business Ethics 91/92,
3d ed. (pp.139-142).
Guilford CN: Duskin Publishing Group.
Other Academic
Publications and Activities:
R. K.
Robinson (July 1998). Provided
interview for Commerce Clearing House (CCH) on same-sex sexual harassment which
appeared in the Labor Law Reports Insight 621(978): 1-4.
R. K.
Robinson (August 1998). Provided
interview for Commerce Clearing House (CCH) on employer liability for sexual
harassment committed by its agents which appeared in
the Labor Law Reports Insight 621 (979): 1-5.
Nichols, D. L. and Robinson, R. K. (1995). Sexual
Harassment and Sex Discrimination‑Prohibited
Practices and Employer Responsibilities (ISBN 0‑314‑06925‑9)
Computerized continuing professional education (CPE) for certified public
accountants. St Paul MN : West Publishing Corporation.
Robinson, R. K.,
Franklin, G. M., and Epermanis, K. (2006). Can organizational dress codes violate Title
VII? Jespersen v.
Harrah's Operating Co., Inc. and sex-differentiated appearance policies.
2006 Proceedings
of the Southwest Academy of Management. Oklahoma City, OK: 348-357.
Hartnell, C.,
G. M. Franklin, R. K. Robinson, and J. R. Bell (2005).
Diversity in small and large work environments: Why the semantic ambiguity? Proceedings of the United
States Association for Business and Entrepreneurship. Indian
Wells, California:
Nunley, A.
M., Franklin, G. M., and Robinson, R. K. (2004). Choice of entity
considerations for new ventures. Proceedings
of the Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Albuquerque,
NM: pp .
Robinson, R. K.,
Franklin, G. M., and Ballenger, J. (2003). Public accommodations
under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Responsibilities of small
businesses. Proceedings of the
Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Houston, TX:
Robinson, R. K., Franklin,
G. M., and Nunley, A. M. (2003). Growing pains: A federal
compliance primer for small employers. Proceedings
of the Small Business Institute, New Orleans, LA: 27-33.
Mero, N. P., Guidice, R. M., and Robinson, R. K. (2002). The effects of
external constituents on mitigating rater perception of job performance. Proceedings of the Southwest Division of the
Academy of Management, St. Louis, MO: 138-143.
Reithel, B. J., Robinson, R. K., and Canty, A. L. (2000). Restricting access to >inappropriate=
materials from the Internet: Defining First Amendment issues and limitations. Proceedings of the Southwest Decision
Sciences Institute (2000), San Antonio, TX, pp. 197-199.
Robinson, R. K.,
Franklin, G. M., and Reithel, B. J. (1999). Diversity justifications for
preferential programs: Incongruity between practice and policy. Proceedings
of the Southern Management Association (1999), Atlanta GA, pp.
Robinson, R. K.,
Frink, D. D., Reithel, B. J., and Franklin, G. M. (1998). Examining the changing
environment of sexual; harassment:
Implications of the Supreme Court's rulings on constructive knowledge,
employer liability, and same-sex sexual harassment. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association,
New Orleans, LA, pp. 326-328.
Reithel, B. J., Nichols, D. L., and Robinson, R. K. (1997). The future role of the
Financial Accounting Standards Board in a wired world. Proceedings of the 1997
Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute,
San Diego, CA, pp. .
Robinson, R. K., Paolillo, J. G. P. and Reithel, B. J. (1996). The
future of race and gender based scholarships and admissions programs in
state-supported universities: The
implications of the Podbersky and Hopwood
decisions. Proceedings of the
Southern Management Association (1996), New Orleans, LA, pp. 315-317.
Fink, R. L., Robinson, R. K., Weinzimmer, L.
G., and Nichols, D. L. (1996). Paid union
organizers as "employees" protected under labor law: Consequences for
nonunion managers. Proceedings of the
Southern Management Association (1996), New Orleans, LA, pp. 168-170.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Canty, A. L. (1996).
Sexual harassment and Carr v. Allison Gas Turbine: Increasing the ambiguity
in unwelcomeness determinations. Proceedings of the Southern Academy of Legal
Studies in Business (1996), San Antonio, Texas, pp. 79-85.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Allen, B. M. (1995). English-only work rules and equal employment
opportunity: potential conflict in the age of diversity. Proceedings of the Southern
Academy of Legal Studies in Business (1995), Houston,
Texas, pp. 178-185.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Fink, L. A. (1994). Continuous quality improvement and unlawful
employer domination: The NLRB and the
future of employee participation programs in the Health care industry. Proceedings of the Southwest Division of the
Academy of Management (1994), Dallas, Texas, pp. 47-51.
Robinson, R. K., Reithel, B. J. and Franklin, G. M. (1994). Gender differences in interpreting actionable
sexual Harassment: An exploratory
investigation of the `reasonable woman' doctrine. Proceedings
of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1994), Dallas,
Texas, pp. 279- 281.
Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and McDoniel, P.
(1993). Investigating sexual harassment:
The development of an expert system. The Proceedings of the Southwest Division
of the Academy of Management (1993), New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 129-133.
Terpstra, D. E., Robinson, R. K. and Franklin, G. M. (1993). Diversity's affect on women in the workplace:
A call for research. Proceedings of
the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1993), New Orleans,
Louisiana, pp. 306-311.
Robinson, R. K. and Reithel, B. J. (1993). Policy versus practice: Software piracy policy enforcement activities
of public and private universities. Proceedings
of the 1993 Annual Conference of the Southwest Decision Science Institute,
New Orleans, LA, pp. 19-20.
Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (1991).
Public accommodations for the disabled:
Implications of the Americans with Disabilities Act for small
businesses. Proceedings of the 1991
Annual Convention Small Business Institutes Directors' Association, pp.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M. and Allen, B. M. (1990).
Affirmative action plans: Compliance for economic survival in the 1990s. Refereed Proceedings of the Southern Business Law Association
(1990), pp. 325-34.
Franklin, G. M., Gresham, A. B. and Robinson, R. K. (1990). Coping with AIDS in the
workplace: A ten point strategy. Proceedings
of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1990), pp. 208-211.
Allen, B. M., Duhon, D., Franklin, G. M. and
Robinson, R. K. (1990). Sexual
harassment: Legal rights and
responsibilities. Proceedings of the
1990 Annual National Convention of the Council on Employee Responsibilities and
Rights, pp. 1-8.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., Nelson, G. W. and Sharp, W. H.
(1989). The Watson case: disparate impact and subjective
judgment. Refereed
Proceedings of the Southern Business Law Association (1989), pp. 119-128.
Robinson, R. K., D. J. Kirk and W. L. McKee (1988). A judicial review of affirmative action after Paradise and Johnson. Refereed Proceedings of the Southern
Regional Business Law Association (1988), pp.112-118.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M. and. White, J. H (1988). The Arline
case: Are AIDS victims immune from
termination? Refereed
Proceedings of the Southern Regional Business Law Association (1988), pp.
Paper Presentations and
Robinson, R. K., Nichols, D. L.,
and Goodman, J. M. The
2007 revisions to the Employer Information Report and their potential impact on
equal employment opportunity and affirmative action compliance. Annual
meeting of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, San Antonio,
Texas, March 2, 2007.
Robinson, R. K.,
Fink, R. L., and Mero, N. P. Pollard v. E.I. Dupont:
A reexamination of disparate treatment remedies. Annual meeting of the Southern Academy of
Legal Studies in Business, St. Louis, Missouri, March 7, 2002.
D. L., Robinson, R.K., and Mero, N. P. Women in accounting: The need for
(re)developing an effective anti-harassment policy.
meeting of the American Accounting Association, Southwest Division, St. Louis
Missouri, March 8, 2002.
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Reithel, B. J. Workplace diversity: Is it a justification
for proportional representation in the workplace. Annual Meeting of the Association for Small
Business & Entrepreneurship, New Orleans, LA, March 2, 2001.
Frink, D. D., Ferris, G. R., Robinson, R. K., Kaplan, D. M., Arthur, M.
M. Workforce diversity and
organizational performance: A two-study firm-level investigation of gender
effects. 60th Annual Meeting
of the Academy of Management, Toronto, ON, August 8, 2000.
Lunce, S. and Robinson, R. K., ASurviving
the Dissertation and Joining the Ranks of Published Authors,@ Second
Annual SWFAD Doctoral Consortium, San Antonio, TX, March 18, 2000.
Peters, V. A..,
Nichols, D. L., and Robinson, R. K. Eroding the finality of
rights arbitration: The implications of Wright
v. Universal Maritime Service Corporation. Annual Meeting of the Southern Academy of
Legal Studies in Business, San Antonio, TX, March 16, 2000.
Morrisette, H.
S., Frink, D. D., Robinson, R. K., and Reithel, B. J. Workforce diversity and organizational
effectiveness: An industry-level investigation of the effects of female and ethnoracial participation.
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, CA, August 6,
Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. L., Reithel, B. J., and Fink, R. L. The
myth of invulnerability: A legal analysis of the termination of tenured
university professors. Southern Academy
of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 14, 1997.
R. K., Seydel, J., Douglas, C.,
The future of preferential treatment programs in an increasingly diverse
society: Examining the implications of recent federal affirmative action
rulings. Southern Academy of Legal
Studies in Business' Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 15, 1997.
D. L., Robinson, R. K., Tunnel, L.
Certification criteria for accountants: Are newly certified public
accountants as prepared as other professions? American Accounting Association,
Southwestern Region, New Orleans, LA, March 14, 1997.
G. M., Robinson, R. K., Allen, B. M. and Fulford, M.
D. Diversity workshop, managing
diversity in the 1990s: Legal, leadership and
managerial trends. Southwest
Academy of Management's Annual Meeting 1995, Houston, Texas.
R. K.,. Fink, R. L and Allen, B. M. English-only work rules and equal employment
opportunity: Potential conflict in the
age of diversity. Southern
Academy of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting, 1995, Houston, Texas.
Terpstra, D. E., Robinson, R. K. and Franklin, G. M. Diversity in the workplace: Implications for
equal employment opportunities. Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting 1993,
New Orleans, Louisiana.
Robinson, R. K., Allen, B. M., Axley, S. R.
and Fink, R. L.
Desegregation in higher education:
An analysis of the Ayers decision and its impact on public
colleges and universities. Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting 1993,
New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ballenger, J., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. Accommodating the disabled: Customer:
perceptions of small businessmen toward the law. Southwestern Small Business
Institute's Annual Meeting 1992, San Antonio, Texas.
B. M. and Robinson, R. K. Sexual harassment: The evolution of the legal
environment. Academy
of Management Annual Meeting 1991, Miami Beach, Florida.
R. K., Allen, B. M. and Franklin, G. M.
The Civil Rights Act of 1990: An analysis of construct changes in the
legal environment. Southern
Business Law Association Meeting, Houston, Texas, 1991.
Ormsby, J.
G., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. AIDS-afflicted employees as qualified
handicapped: The implications of Vincent
L. Chalk V. United States District Court.
Southern Business Law Association Meeting, New
Orleans, Louisiana, 1989.
Dissertation Committees:
Carson, Chad, PhD candidate in Management
defended 2005. Dissertation
committee chair.
Williams, Denise, PhD in Management
Information Systems defended 2004. Dissertation committee member.
Kwan, Obyung, PhD
in Management Information Systems graduated 2004. Dissertation committee
Thompson, Blake, PhD in Pharmacy
Administration graduated 2002. Dissertation committee member.
Morrisette, H. Shelton, PhD in Management graduated 1998, Dissertation
committee chair.
Chi-Feng Hsu, PhD in Political Science, graduated 1997. Dissertation committee member.
Teaching Experience:
Courses and Seminars:
Industrial and Employee Relations (Doctoral
Advanced Human Resource Management (Graduate)
Collective Bargaining (Graduate /Undergraduate)
Compensation & Benefits (Undergraduate)
Employee Relations (Graduate/Undergraduate)
Labor Relations (Graduate /Undergraduate)
Organizational Policy & Strategy
Human Resource Management (Undergraduate)
Human Resource Selection (Graduate /Undergraduate)
Human Resource Strategy (Graduate /Undergraduate)
Management Process and Behavior (Undergraduate)
Management Science (Undergraduate)
Organizational Analysis (Undergraduate)
Organizational Policy & Decision‑Making
Principles of Management (Undergraduate)
Grants Awarded:
University of Mississippi, School of Business Administration, Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation Faculty Development Grant, 2002.
University of Mississippi, School of Business Administration, Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation Faculty Development Grant, 2000.
University of Mississippi, School of Business Administration, Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation Faculty Development Grant, 1999.
The University of Mississippi, School of Business Administration Alumni
Summer Research Grant, 1993.
University of Mississippi, Chancellor's Partners Grant, 1993.
The University of Mississippi, School of Business Administration Alumni
Summer Research Grant, 1992.
Academic Service:
Chairman, Department of management, School of Business Administration,
The University of Mississippi, May 2009 to present.
Chairman, AACSB Reaccreditation Committee, School of Business
Administration, The University of Mississippi, January 2008 to present.
Executive and Management Education Programs, School of Business Administration,
The University of Mississippi, August 2005 to August 2007.
Advisor, Ole Miss Student Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management,
The University of Mississippi, August 1996 to May 2005, August 2006 to May
Reviewer, Journal of Managerial Issues, 2000 to present.
Ad hoc reviewer, Hospital and Health Services
Administration, 1993 to 1995.
Ad hoc reviewer, Interfaces, 1992Reviewer,
Southwest Division of the Academy of Management, March 1989 to March 1991.
Reviewer and discussant, Southwest Region Decision Science Institute,
November 1988 to June 1990.
Conference on Labor and the Southern Press, Department of Journalism of The University of Mississippi and the Mississippi Humanities
Council, October 6, 2003.
Affirmative Action Committee, Department of Management and Marketing,
School of Business, The
University of Mississippi, August 1992 to Present.
Faculty Search Committee, Department of Management and Marketing, The
of Mississippi, February 1994 to April 1995.
School of Business Administration, The University of
Mississippi, PhD Committee, 2002-2004.
University of Mississippi, Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee,
Member, University of Mississippi, Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools (SACS) Assessment Committee, 2001-Present.
Member, University of Mississippi Academic Freedom and Faculty
Responsibility Committee, 2001-Present.
University of Mississippi Academic Suspension and Dismissal Appeals Committee,
Member, University of Mississippi Intellectual Property Advisory
Committee, 2001-Present.
Member, University of Mississippi Assessment Committee, 2000-Present.
University of Mississippi Faculty Senate, 2000-2001.
Convening Chairman, University of Mississippi Academic Freedom and
Faculty Responsibility Committee, November-December 1999.
Member, University of Mississippi Academic Freedom and Faculty
Responsibility Committee, 1999-Present.
Faculty Search Committee, Department of Management and Marketing, The
of Mississippi, August 1998 to January 1999.
University Grievance Policy Review Committee, The
University of Mississippi,
1998 to January 1999.
Member, University Academic Discipline Committee, The University of
Mississippi, August 1995 to July 1998; 2005-to present.
and Retention Faculty Designee, Department of Management and Marketing,
of Business Administration, The University of
Mississippi, January 12, 1996 to July 1997.
Luvata, Grenada, MS, provided seminars on the Legal
Environment of Managers and Labor/Management Relations, August-September 2007.
Oxford, MS, provided two workshops, one on Performance Counseling in October
2005 and the other on Sexual Harassment Training in January 2006.
Emissions/Thermal Systems, Water Valley, MS, provided two workshops on Problem
Solving and Labor Relations in October 2005.
of Business Administration, The University of Mississippi, provided executive
and managerial training through Executive and Management Education Programs,
August 2005 to Present.
Industries, Amory, MS, provided managerial training on leadership and change
management, July-September 1999.
of Mississippi, University, MS, provided executive and managerial training
through the Center for Public Service and Continuing Studies, August 1991 to
of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, conducted executive training on
performance appraisal and counseling, November 14-15, 1996.
Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), Patrick AFB, Florida, provided
supervisory and leadership training to the August 16-18, 1995.
Business Development Center, University of Mississippi, Tupelo, MS. Conducted
numerous supervisory management training and executive development programs for
local industry and business participants, 1991-1999.
Professional Associations:
Academy of Management
International Personnel Management Association
National Association of Scholars
Society for Human Resource Management
Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business
Southern Management Association
Southwest Division of the Academy of Management
Professional Experience:
Commissioned Officer, U.S. Army, August 1973 to
September 1980. Served as an Assistant Operations Officer for an armor
battalion; Headquarters Company Commander for an armor battalion; Combat
Support Company Executive Officer, Heavy Mortar Platoon Leader, and Rifle
Platoon Leader for a light infantry battalion; Company Commander and Executive
Officer for an advanced individual training company. All positions involved varying degrees of
planning responsibilities, allocating resources, delegating authority,
assigning responsibilities, forecasting needs, conducting training, developing
subordinates, designing work and organizations.
Attained rank of Captain prior to release from active
Senior Professional in Human Resources ‑ Human Resource
Certification Institute, 2001. Recertified 2007.
Certificate in Employee Benefits Law - Institute of Applied Management
and Law, 2004.
Certificate in Human Resource Risk Management - Institute of Applied
Management and Law, 2003.
Certificate in Employee Relations Law ‑ Institute of Applied Management
and Law, 2001 and 2002.
in Employee Relations Law ‑ Institute of Applied Management and Law,
Upon request Last Updated: 07/12/2010