Awards and Honors:


Distinguished Applied Paper Award, Small Business Institute, February, 2003.

Homer L. Saunders Best Paper, Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Federation of Business Disciplines, 2001.

Irwin Distinguished Paper, Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, 1995.

Irwin Distinguished Paper, Southern Business Law Association, Southwest Federation of Administrative Disciplines, 1992.

Runner-up Distinguished Paper, Southwestern Small Business Institute Association, Southwest Federation of Administrative Disciplines, 1992.


Mortar Board Teacher of the Month, The University of Mississippi, April 2007.

Outstanding Teacher of the Year, School of Business Administration, The University of Mississippi, 2005.

Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005

Who's Who in Executives and Professionals, 2005.

Beta Gamma Sigma, 1982.