Conference Proceedings and Presentations:

Robinson, R.K., Nichols, D.L., and Goodman, J.M. Racial and ethnic fraud: Are there adequate proofs of minority status for 2007 revisions to the Employer Information Report. Annual meeting of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, San Antonio, Texas, March 6, 2008.

Goodman, J.M., Robinson, R.K., and Nichols, D.L. Selecting in and selecting out: Vicarious discrimination? Annual meeting of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, San Antonio, Texas, March 6, 2008.

 Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Epermanis, K. (2006). Can organizational dress codes violate Title VII? Jespersen v. Harrah's Operating Co., Inc. and sex differentiated appearance policies. 2006 Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management. Oklahoma City, OK: 348-357.

 Hartnell, C., G. M. Franklin, R. K. Robinson, and J. R. Bell (2005). Diversity in small and large work environments: Why the semantic ambiguity? Proceedings of the United States Association for Business and Entrepreneurship. Indian Wells, California:

 Nunley, A. M., Franklin, G. M., and Robinson, R. K. (2004).  Choice of entity considerations for new ventures.  Proceedings of the Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Albuquerque, NM: pp .

Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Ballenger, J. (2003). Public accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Responsibilities of small businesses. Proceedings of the Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Houston, TX .

Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Numley, A. M. (2003). Growing pains: A federal compliance primer for small employers. Proceedings of the Small Business Institute, New Orleans, LA: 27-33.

Mero, N. P., Guidice, R. M., and Robinson, R. K. (2002). The effects of external constituents on mitigating rater perception of job performance. Proceedings of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (2002), St. Louis, MO: 138-143.

Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L., and Mero, N. P. Pollard v. E.I. Dupont: A reexamination of disparate treatment remedies. Annual meeting of the Southern Association of Legal Studies in Business, St. Louis Missouri, March 7, 2002.

Nichols, D. L., Robinson, R.K., and Mero, N. P. Women in accounting: The need for (re)developing an effective anti-harassment policy. Annual meeting of the American Accounting Association, Southwest Division, St. Louis Missouri, March 8, 2002.

Frink, D. D., Ferris, G. R., Robinson, R. K., Kaplan, D. M., and Arthur, M. M. "Workforce Diversity and Organizational Performance: A Two-Study Firm-Level Investigation of Gender Effects," 60th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, ON, August 8, 2000.

Reithel, B. J., Robinson, R. K., and Canty, A. L., (2000). Restricting access to 'inappropriate' materials from the internet: Defining First Amendment issues and limitations.  Proceedings of the Decision Science Institute, Southwest Region , San Antonio, TX, pp. 197-199.

Peters, V. A.., Nichols, D. L., and Robinson, R. K. "Eroding the Finality of Rights Arbitration: The Implications of Wright v. Universal Maritime Service Corporation," presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, San Antonio, TX, March 16, 2000.

Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Reithel, B. J. (1999). Diversity justifications for preferential programs: Incongruity between practice and policy. Proceedings of the Southern management Association (1999), Atlanta GA, pp.177-179.

Morrissette, H. S., Frink, D. D., Robinson, R. K., and Reithel, B. J. Workforce Diversity and organizational effectiveness: Am industry-level investigation of the effects of female and ethnoracial participation. Presented at the
58th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, CA, August 6, 1998.

Robinson, R. K., Frink, D. D., Reithel, B. J., and Franklin, G. M. (1998). Examining the changing environment of sexual; harassment: Implications of the Supreme Court's rulings on constructive knowledge, employer liability, and same-sex sexual harassment. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA, pp. 326-328.

Reithel, B. J., Nichols, D. L., and Robinson, R. K. (1997). The future role of the Financial Accounting Standards Board in a wired world. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, CA, pp.

Robinson, R. K., Paolillo, J. G. P. and Reithel, B. J. (1996). The future of race and gender based scholarships and admissions programs in state-supported universities: The implications of the Podbersky and Hopwood decisions. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association (1996), New Orleans, LA, pp. 315-317.

Fink, R. L., Robinson, R. K., Weinzimmer, L. G., and Nichols, D. L. (1996). Paid union organizers as "employees" protected under labor law: Consequences for nonunion managers. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association (1996), New Orleans, LA, pp. 168-170.

Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Canty, A. L. (1996). Sexual harassment and Carr v. Allison Gas Turbine: Increasing the ambiguity in unwelcomeness determinations. Proceedings of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business (1996), San Antonio, Texas, pp. 79-85.

Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Allen, B. M. (1995). English-only work rules and equal employment opportunity: potential conflict in the age of diversity. Proceedings of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business (1995), Houston, Texas, pp. 178-185.

Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and Fink, L. A. (1994). Continuous quality improvement and unlawful employer domination: The NLRB and the future of employee participation programs in the Health care industry. Proceedings of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1994), Dallas, Texas, pp. 47-51.

Robinson, R. K., Reithel, B. J. and Franklin, G. M. (1994). Gender differences in interpreting actionable sexual Harassment: An exploratory investigation of the `reasonable woman' doctrine. Proceedings of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1994), Dallas, Texas, pp. 279- 281.

Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L. and McDoniel, P. (1993). Investigating sexual harassment: The development of an expert system. The Proceedings of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1993), New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 129-133.

Terpstra, D. E., Robinson, R. K. and Franklin, G. M. (1993). Diversity's affect on women in the workplace: A call for research. Proceedings of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1993), New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 306-311.

Robinson, R. K. and Reithel, B. J. (1993). Policy versus practice: Software piracy policy enforcement activities of public and private universities," Proceedings of the 1993 Annual Conference of the Southwest Decision Science Institute, New Orleans, LA, pp. 19-20.

Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (1991). Public accommodations for the disabled: Implications of the Americans with Disabilities Act for small businesses," Proceedings of the 1991 Annual Convention Small Business Institutes Directors' Association, pp. 154-156.

Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M. and Allen, B. M. (1990). Affirmative action plans: Compliance for economic survival in the 1990s," Refereed Proceedings of the Southern Business Law Association (1990), pp. 325-34.

Franklin, G. M., Gresham, A. B. and Robinson, R. K. (1990). Coping with AIDS in the workplace: A ten point strategy," Proceedings of the Southwest Division of the Academy of Management (1990), pp. 208-211.

Allen, B. M., Duhon, D., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. (1990). Sexual Harassment: Legal rights and responsibilities," Proceedings of the 1990 Annual National Convention of the Council on Employee Responsibilities and Rights, pp. 1-8.

Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., Nelson, G. W. and Sharp, W. H. (1989). The Watson case: disparate impact and subjective judgement," Refereed Proceedings of the Southern Business Law Association (1989), pp. 119-128.

Robinson, R. K., D. J. Kirk and W. L. McKee, "A Judicial Review of Affirmative Action after Paradise and Johnson," Refereed Proceedings of the Southern Regional Business Law Association (1988), pp.112-118.

Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M. and. White, J. H (1988). The Arline case: Are AIDS victims immune from termination?" Refereed Proceedings of the Southern Regional Business Law Association (1988), pp. 119-125.

Paper Presentations and Symposia:


Robinson, R. K., Fink, R. L., and Mero, N. P. Pollard v. E.I. Dupont: A reexamination of disparate treatment remedies.  Annual meeting of the Southern Association of Legal Studies in Business, St. Louis Missouri, March 7, 2002.

Nichols, D. L., Robinson, R.K., and Mero, N. P. Women in accounting: The need for (re)developing an effective anti-harassment policy Annual meeting of the American Accounting Association, Southwest Division, St. Louis Missouri, March 8, 2002.

 Robinson, R. K., Franklin, G. M., and Reithel, B. J.  Workplace diversity: Is it a justification for proportional representation in the workplace.  Annual Meeting of the Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, New Orleans, LA, March 2, 2001.

 Frink, D. D., Ferris, G. R., Robinson, R. K., Kaplan, D. M., Arthur, M. M.  Workforce diversity and organizational performance: A two-study firm-level investigation of gender effects.  60th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, ON, August 8, 2000.

 Lunce, S. and Robinson, R. K., ASurviving the Dissertation and Joining the Ranks of Published Authors,@ Second Annual SWFAD Doctoral Consortium, San Antonio, TX, March 18, 2000.

 Peters, V. A.., Nichols, D. L., and Robinson, R. K.  Eroding the finality of rights arbitration:  The implications of Wright v. Universal Maritime Service Corporation.  Annual Meeting of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, San Antonio, TX, March 16, 2000.

Robinson, R. K. ,Franklin, G. L., Reithel, B. J., and Fink, R. L. "The Myth of Invulnerability: A Legal Analysis of the Termination of Tenured University Professors," presented at the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting 1997, New Orleans, LA, March 14,1997.

Robinson, R. K., Seydel, J., Douglas, C., "The Future of Preferential Treatment Programs in an Increasingly Diverse Society: Examining the Implications of Recent Federal Affirmative Action Rulings," presented at the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting 1997, New Orleans, LA, March 15,1997.

Nichols, D. L., Robinson, R. K., Tunnel, L., "Certification Criteria for Accountants: Are Newly Certified Public Accountants as Prepared as Other Professions?" presented to the American Accounting Association, Southwestern Region, New Orleans, LA, March 14, 1997.

Franklin, G. M., Robinson, R. K., Allen, B. M. and Fulford, M. D. "Diversity Workshop, Managing Diversity in the 1990s: Legal, Leadership and Managerial Trends," Southwest Academy of Management's Annual Meeting 1995, Houston, Texas.

Robinson, R. K.,. Fink, R. L and Allen, B. M. "English-Only Work Rules and Equal Employment Opportunity: Potential Conflict in the Age of Diversity," Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.

Terpstra, D. E., Robinson, R. K. and Franklin, G. M. "Diversity in the Workplace: Implications for Equal Employment Opportunities,"Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting 1993, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Robinson, R. K., Allen, B. M., Axley, S. R. and Fink, R. L. "Desegregation in Higher Education: An Analysis of the Ayers Decision and Its Impact on Public Colleges and Universities," Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business' Annual Meeting 1993, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Ballenger, J.,. Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. "Accommodating the Disabled Customer: Perceptions of Small Businessmen Toward the Law," Southwestern Small Business Institute's Annual Meeting 1992, San Antonio, Texas.

Allen, B. M. and Robinson, R. K."Sexual Harassment: The Evolution of the Legal Environment," Academy of Management Annual Meeting 1991, Miami Beach, Florida.

Robinson, R. K., Allen, B. M. and Franklin, G. M. "The Civil Rights Act of 1990: An Analysis of Construct Changes in the Legal Environment," Southern Business Law Association Meeting, Houston, Texas, 1991.

Ormsby, J. G., Franklin, G. M. and Robinson, R. K. "AIDS-Afflicted Employees as Qualified Handicapped: The Implications of Vincent L. Chalk V. United States District Court," Southern Business Law Association Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1989.