Research Presentations


Fall 2017 Semester:


Friday, September 30th, 2016

Joint PhD Student Presentation Seminar with the University of Memphis

Todd Griffith (University of Mississippi)

Order Cancellations, Fees, and Execution Quality in U.S. Equity Options

Vivek Sharma (University of Memphis)

Asymmetry in the Impact of Institutional Trades


Friday, October 7th, 2016

Scott Hsu (University of Arkansas)

Beauty is Wealth:  CEO Appearance and Shareholder Value


Friday, December 2nd, 2016

David Maslar

Secondary Market Trading and the Cost of New Debt Issuance



Spring 2016 Semester:


January 20th, 2017

University of Mississippi, Mississippi State University & University of Memphis

Mark Sunderman (University of Memphis)

Neighborhood Blight Indices, Impacts of Property Values and Blight Resolution Alternatives

Alvaro Taboada (Mississippi State University)

Does it Pay to Treat Employees well?  International Evidence on the Value of an Employee-Friendly Culture

Andrew Lynch (University of Mississippi)

Investor Response to Jumps in Mutual Fund Returns


February 10th, 2017

Albert Wang (Auburn University)

Terrorist Attacks and Investor Risk Preferences:  Evidence from Mutual Fund Flows


February 24th, 2017

Nick Bollen (Vanderbilt University)

Gender, Risk Tolerance, and False Consensus in Asset Allocation Recommendations


March 24th, 2017

Eric Kelly (University of Tennessee)

Short Selling and Attention around the Business Cycle