Brian J. Reithel, PhD, CDP
Holman Hall 240
by Thomas Curran and Gerhard Keller (with Andrew Ladd)
Prentice-Hall, 1998.
by Peter J. Denning and Robert M. Metcalfe
Copernicus (an imprint of Springer-Verlag), softcover 1998.
This course will explore current and developing issues in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. The course will also cover the general information technology context for these advanced systems and explore likely technology future scenarios/developments. Particular attention will be paid to issues associated with ubiquitous computing in a fully networked world that fosters advanced interorganizational systems and electronic commerce.
The purpose of this course is to allow the student to:
The student is expected to have read assigned materials as listed on the course schedule prior to each class. The class discussions/lectures are intended to emphasize the primary concepts from each reading and to provide an opportunity to answer any questions that may result from the readings. Because of the intensive nature of this graduate seminar, it is essential that each student allocate adequate time to prepare for every class session. Furthermore, each student will be expected to conduct extensive individual research between each class meeting. Do not get behind!MAKE-UP EXAMS:
There are NO make-up exams. Students missing an exam due to a PRE-ARRANGED excused absence will be allowed to count the final as 60% of his/her grade.ASSIGNMENTS:
Late assignments will be assigned a penalty of -20 points per day, and will not be accepted more than two days late. An assignment is considered one day late if it is not turned in by 6:15 p.m. on the due date. The second late day begins at 5:00 p.m. on the weekday following the due date and continues for 24 hours. An assignment must be turned in to the professor or to the secretary in North 220 by 5:00 p.m. on the second day. All assignments that are turned in through the departmental secretary must have the date and time recorded on the assignment when it is turned in. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the date and time are properly recorded. The semester research project is due at the end (4:45 p.m.) of the last regularly scheduled class meeting day. It will not be accepted after that time.STANDARDS OF HONESTY:
If an incident of academic misconduct occurs in this course, the student will receive a grade of "F" for the semester. All assignments, tests, and exercises are to be considered individual assignments unless the instructor specifically identifies an assignment as a group assignment. The student should refer to the "M" Book for general definitions of academic misconduct.CLASS ATTENDANCE:
Based on several years spent observing student performance and class attendance, your professor concludes that people who skip class tend to receive very low grades. The choice is yours.
Midterm Essay/Exam One | 15% |
Final (comprehensive) | 50% |
Individual Homework | 20% |
Class Participation | 15% |
Date Topic Reading June 6 Introduction; Web Resource Page Assignments Scott -- Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Lacey -- Web Portals Frankie -- CORBA Mickey -- Embedded Systems/Windows CE/Mobile Computing (non-desktop computing) Mike -- Next Generation Internet/Internet 2 Kenneth -- Bo -- WAP Stan -- TransMeta Nina -- ABAP Julie -- Pervasive Computing Tabitha -- Yield Management Systems Reithel -- Assorted ERP Links 12(Mon) Assigned Readings: Article Set I Business Engineering and Enterprise Optimization CK 1 The Business Blueprint CK 2 Article Set II Configure to Order CK 3 Value Chain Thinking CK 4
Scott -- Neural Networks Lacey -- Bioinformatics Frankie -- XML Mickey -- Nanomachines Mike -- Spread spectrum networking Kenneth -- MRP II Bo -- PCS Stan -- Beowulf/Clustering Nina -- Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing Julie -- Virtual Teams Tabitha -- Kerberos Wang -- M-Commerce 20 Assigned Readings: Article Set III Production Logistics CK 6 When They're Everywhere DM 2 Sales Logistics CK 5 The Revolution Yet to Happen DM 1 Procurement Logistics CK 7 Beyond Limits DM 3 Introduction to Electronic Commerce WC 1 Microdisplay Report
Scott -- Biometrics Lacey -- Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Frankie -- HomeRF Mickey -- Molecular/Protein Computing Mike -- Jini Kenneth -- Data Warehouse Bo -- Christopher Alexander Stan -- Linux Nina -- Virtual Universities Julie -- GroupWare Tabitha -- Massively Parallel Processors/Computing Wang -- PDA 27 Assigned Readings: External Accounting CK 8 The Tide, Not the Waves DM 4 Information Technology in the Post-Industrial Revolution WC 2 Citibank -- looking for a billion customers Recommended Magazines: Business 2.0 FastCompany Organization and Human Resource Management CK 9 How to Think about Trends DM 5 Redefining the Geography of Space, Time, and Money WC 3 Business Planning and Controlling CK 10 The Coming Age of Calm Technology DM 6 What is a Meme? How about Memetics? How do paradigms (Kuhn) shape thinking about the future? See the following web resources: World Futurist Society and Institute for the Future What impact will services like AT&T's OneRate have on organizations and society?
July 6(Thur) Exam 1 -- due today Assigned Readings: Supply Chain Management and Information Alliances WC 4 Capital Asset Management CK 11 Growing Up in the Culture of Simulation DM 7 Silicon Motor Speedway (MUDs) Quake 2 multiuser site Microsoft Gaming Zone Games at "OurInteractiveMall" Yahoo! Gaming Page Telecommunications Infrastructure in Transition WC 5 American Demographics is a great resource for demographics trends.
Web Resource Page Assignments Scott -- SMART CARDS Lacey -- Sales Force Automation Frankie -- Employee and Workplace Monitoring Mickey -- SAP Screen Captures Mike -- Optical Computing Kenneth -- C R M Bo -- Spectrum Auctions Stan -- CGI Nina -- RFID Julie -- Data Mining Tabitha -- Network Security Assessment Tools
11 Assigned Readings: Architecture of the R/3 System CK 12 Why It's Good That Computers Don't Work Like the Brain DM 8 Access to Electronic Commerce Services WC 6 The Future of the Future from Wired magazine R/3 Framework and Infrastructure CK 13 The Logic of Dreams DM 9 Electronic Auctions and Intermediaries WC 7 Check out the Global Business Network and their web on Scenario Planning
Web Resource Page Assignments Scott -- Oracle and OLAP Lacey -- Electronic Bill Paying & Electronic Banking Frankie -- AI in Robotics and Flexible Circuits Mickey -- SAP Screen Shots -- the Sequel Mike -- Smart Homes Kenneth -- EAI Bo -- LMDS / MMDS Stan -- OnStar-type systems & GPS & Smart Highways Nina -- Cyber-relationships Julie -- Digital Signatures Tabitha -- Application Service Provider
18 Assigned Readings: Business Engineering in R/3 CK 14 End-Running Human Intelligence DM 10 A World Without Work DM 11 Electronic Financial Markets WC 8 Prophets of the Computer Age from The Atlantic Monthly See, in particular, the essay "As We May Think" by Vannevar Bush New Age Enterprise CK 15 The Design of Interaction DM 12 The Stumbling Titan DM 13 Digital Storefronts WC 9 MicroWorkz offers a $199 computer called the iToaster U.S. Dept of Commerce electronic commerce website which includes the report The Emerging Digital Economy II Where will technologies like Digital Angel lead?
25 Assigned Readings: The Leaders of the Future DM 14 Information Warfare DM 15 Logistics & Service Opportunities and Issues WC 11 Visa, Sun & Cisco team up for Universal Commerce (CNN article) 21st Century Workforce Commission Learn 2 Link reference page on the IT Workforce Summer 1999 Individual Final Projects: Tim -- Web Sites and Democracy Robin -- Smart Houses Casey -- Data Storage (esp. Holographic storage) Pinata -- Software Agents in E-Commerce Edward -- XML: Extensible Markup Language 31 Last class day Assigned Readings: Virtual Feudalism DM 16 Sharing Our Planet DM 17 There and Not There DM 18 Successful E-Commerce WC 12
Aug 1 Final Exam
Hours ERP Systems 12 Enterprise Systems Management 8 Interorganizational Systems 8 Technology Trends 10 -- Total 38
Last Modified: Monday, 24-July-2002 11:00:00 CDT
Copyright ©
2000, 2002 Brian J. Reithel, Ph.D., CDP. All rights reserved.