BUS-620 ERP Systems and the Future of Information Technology

BUS-620 Main Syllabus Full Summer 2000

Class Contacts:

BUS-620 Tentative Schedule Full Summer 2000

Date            Topic                                                   Reading

June     6      Introduction;
                Web Resource Page Assignments
                   Scott    -- Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
                   Lacey    -- Web Portals
                   Frankie  -- CORBA
                   Mickey   -- Embedded Systems/Windows CE/Mobile Computing
                               (non-desktop computing)
                   Mike     -- Next Generation Internet/Internet 2
                   Kenneth  -- MySAP.com
                   Bo       -- WAP
                   Stan     -- TransMeta
                   Nina     -- ABAP
                   Julie    -- Pervasive Computing
                   Tabitha  -- Yield Management Systems
                   Reithel  -- Assorted ERP Links

        12(Mon)  Assigned Readings:
                    Article Set I
                    Business Engineering and Enterprise Optimization      CK  1
                    The Business Blueprint                                CK  2
                    Article Set II
                    Configure to Order                                    CK  3
                    Value Chain Thinking                                  CK  4
                   Scott    --  Neural Networks
                   Lacey    --  Bioinformatics
                   Frankie  --  XML
                   Mickey   --  Nanomachines
                   Mike     --  Spread spectrum networking
                   Kenneth  --  MRP II
                   Bo       --  PCS
                   Stan     --  Beowulf/Clustering
                   Nina     --  Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing
                   Julie    --  Virtual Teams
                   Tabitha  --  Kerberos
                   Wang     --  M-Commerce

        20      Assigned Readings:
                    Article Set III
                    Production Logistics                                  CK  6
                    When They're Everywhere                               DM  2
                    Sales Logistics                                       CK  5
                    The Revolution Yet to Happen                          DM  1
                    Procurement Logistics                                 CK  7
                    Beyond Limits                                         DM  3
                    Introduction to Electronic Commerce                   WC  1
                Microdisplay Report
                   Scott    --  Biometrics
                   Lacey    --  Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
                   Frankie  --  HomeRF
                   Mickey   --  Molecular/Protein Computing
                   Mike     --  Jini
                   Kenneth  --  Data Warehouse
                   Bo       --  Christopher Alexander
                   Stan     --  Linux
                   Nina     --  Virtual Universities
                   Julie    --  GroupWare
                   Tabitha  --  Massively Parallel Processors/Computing
                   Wang     --  PDA

        27      Assigned Readings:
                    External Accounting                                   CK  8
                    The Tide, Not the Waves                               DM  4
                    Information Technology in the Post-Industrial
                        Revolution                                        WC  2
                Citibank -- looking for a billion customers
                Recommended Magazines:
                    Business 2.0
                    Organization and Human Resource Management            CK  9
                    How to Think about Trends                             DM  5
                    Redefining the Geography of Space, Time, and Money    WC  3
                    Business Planning and Controlling                     CK 10
                    The Coming Age of Calm Technology                     DM  6
                What is a Meme? How about Memetics?
                How do paradigms (Kuhn) shape thinking about 
                the future? See the following
                web resources:
                   World Futurist Society and
                   Institute for the Future
                What impact will services like AT&T's OneRate have on
                organizations and society?
  July  6(Thur) Exam 1 -- due today
                Assigned Readings:
                    Supply Chain Management and Information Alliances     WC  4
                    Capital Asset Management                              CK 11
                    Growing Up in the Culture of Simulation               DM  7
                    Silicon Motor Speedway
                    www.game.org (MUDs)
                    Quake 2 multiuser site
                    Microsoft Gaming Zone
                    Games at "OurInteractiveMall"
                    Yahoo! Gaming Page
                    Telecommunications Infrastructure in Transition       WC  5
                American Demographics is a great resource for demographics trends.
                Web Resource Page Assignments
                   Scott    -- SMART CARDS
                   Lacey    -- Sales Force Automation
                   Frankie  -- Employee and Workplace Monitoring
                   Mickey   -- SAP Screen Captures
                   Mike     -- Optical Computing
                   Kenneth  -- C R M
                   Bo       -- Spectrum Auctions
                   Stan     -- CGI
                   Nina     -- RFID
                   Julie    -- Data Mining
                   Tabitha  -- Network Security Assessment Tools
        11      Assigned Readings:
                    Architecture of the R/3 System                        CK 12
                    Why It's Good That Computers Don't Work Like the
                        Brain                                             DM  8
                    Access to Electronic Commerce Services                WC  6
                The Future of the Future from Wired magazine
                    R/3 Framework and Infrastructure                      CK 13
                    The Logic of Dreams                                   DM  9
                    Electronic Auctions and Intermediaries                WC  7
                Check out the Global Business Network and their
                web on Scenario Planning
                Web Resource Page Assignments
                   Scott    -- Oracle and OLAP
                   Lacey    -- Electronic Bill Paying & Electronic Banking
                   Frankie  -- AI in Robotics and Flexible Circuits
                   Mickey   -- SAP Screen Shots -- the Sequel
                   Mike     -- Smart Homes
                   Kenneth  -- EAI
                   Bo       -- LMDS / MMDS
                   Stan     -- OnStar-type systems & GPS & Smart Highways
                   Nina     -- Cyber-relationships
                   Julie    -- Digital Signatures
                   Tabitha  -- Application Service Provider
        18      Assigned Readings:
                    Business Engineering in R/3                           CK 14
                    End-Running Human Intelligence                        DM 10
                    A World Without Work                                  DM 11
                    Electronic Financial Markets                          WC  8
                Prophets of the Computer Age from The Atlantic Monthly
                See, in particular, the essay "As We May Think"
                by Vannevar Bush
                    New Age Enterprise                                    CK 15
                    The Design of Interaction                             DM 12
                    The Stumbling Titan                                   DM 13
                    Digital Storefronts                                   WC  9
                MicroWorkz offers a $199 computer called the iToaster
                U.S. Dept of Commerce electronic commerce website 
                which includes the report
                The Emerging Digital Economy II 
                Where will technologies like Digital Angel lead?
        25      Assigned Readings:
                    The Leaders of the Future                             DM 14
                    Information Warfare                                   DM 15
                    Logistics & Service Opportunities and Issues          WC 11
                Visa, Sun & Cisco team up for Universal Commerce (CNN article)
                21st Century Workforce Commission
                Learn 2 Link reference page on the IT Workforce
                Summer 1999 Individual Final Projects:
                    Tim     --  Web Sites and Democracy
                    Robin   --  Smart Houses
                    Casey   --  Data Storage (esp. Holographic storage)
                    Pinata  --  Software Agents in E-Commerce
                    Edward  --  XML: Extensible Markup Language

        31      Last class day
                Assigned Readings:
                    Virtual Feudalism                                     DM 16
                    Sharing Our Planet                                    DM 17
                    There and Not There                                   DM 18
                    Successful E-Commerce                                 WC 12
  Aug 1         Final Exam


        ERP Systems                                             12
        Enterprise Systems Management                            8
        Interorganizational Systems                              8
        Technology Trends                                       10

                                                Total           38

Last Modified: Monday, 24-July-2000 10:00:00 CDT
Copyright © 2000 University of Mississippi. All rights reserved.

Comments: reithel@bus.olemiss.edu